Headlines of the news 26/5/24

BLANKS EXPRESSION Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles Why is the writing on food packaging getting smaller ever smaller? A growth in regulation and greater awareness of issues such as food allergies mean that packaging of pre-packaged food items now has to contain

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Headlines of the news 19/5/24

BLANKS WRITING AND SPEAKING Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles Ghent University ends cooperation with 3 Israeli academic institutions One of the most influential medical books of all time has returned to Leuven, where it was written. In De Humani Corporis Fabrica, published

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Headlines of the news 11/5/24

BLANCOS EXPRESSION Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles How Do I Help Someone Struggling With Drug Addiction? Substance Abuse And Addiction As A Result Of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) MPs vote for more accessible and better maintained public toilets Did West Africa’s Ebola

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Headlines of the news 6/5/24

BLANKS WRITING AND SPEAKING Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles Care home seniors organise car wash to pay for their trip to Blankenberge Shifting Winter Storms Bring More Flooding to India. News reports indicate that over 130 people were killed or are missing

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Headlines of the news 14/4/24

BLANKS EXPRESSION Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles Germany passes law making it easier to legally change gender Patients with dry eye have poorer sleep quality, higher risk for unhealthy sleep duration ‘Jailbreaking’ AI services like ChatGPT and Claude 3 Opus is much

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Headlines of the news 24/3/24

BLANKS EXPRESSION Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles 25% increase in the number of people in Belgium with diabetes “All Belgian 16 and 17-year-olds obliged to vote in European elections” Mass grave of at least 65 migrants found in Libya desert, IOM says

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Headlines of the news 16/3/24

BLANKS EXPRESSION Formulate the information in this headline or react. One of the mentioned articles Pensioner defies Vladimir Putin with anti-war murals. The 85-year-old has been fined multiple times but says he has no intention of stopping. Zookeepers at Antwerp Zoo in shock after “Lion King” Nestor bites lioness to

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